SendBetter features an on-demand API to render templates designed in our image editor.

SendBetter API provides both authenticated and unauthenticated endpoints. The render endpoint can be used without authentication, while other endpoints require an API key.

Render Image

Render a template image with dynamic data

Validate Organization

Validate your organization’s API key

List Templates

Get a list of all your templates

Get Template Details

Get detailed information about a specific template


SendBetter API supports two authentication methods:

  1. Render Link - No authentication required, perfect for public usage like email marketing or WhatsApp API
  2. API Key - Required for accessing organization-specific endpoints. Pass your API key in the X-API-Key header

Render link is the most direct way to render a template.

Render link works based on query parameters to pass any dynamic data into a template. Modifications via query parameters will differ from template to template. To pass a dynamic content into a specific variable, make sure to you reference the variable with its name in the query parameters.

API Key Authentication

For endpoints that require authentication, you need to include your API key in the X-API-Key header:

curl -H "X-API-Key: your_api_key"

Dynamic Variables

Variables inside a render link will differ from template to template due to dynamic modifications. While designing a template in the SendBetter image editor, you can define variables, which can be dynamically modified during the API call. To pass a dynamic content into a specific variable, make sure to you reference the variable with its name in the query parameters. Here’s a breakdown of default behavior for passing in data to different types of variables.

Variable TypeDescription
TextDynamically updates text content
ImageDynamically updates image path. Must be a path to a publicly accessible image file. Google Drive public links are supported.

Example of dynamic modifications:

Note that variable names (text-variable-name etc.) are arbitrary and you need to use the corresponding names of variables in your template (you can name variables any way you want in our editor).
    ?text-variable-name=Clint John

Rate limiting

Currently we do not rate limit our API. You can make as many requests as you want. However, we may change this in the future.

Time to render

An image take take between 2 to 10 seconds to render. Depending on the size of the image and the complexity of the template, the time to render may vary.